Saturday, 28 September 2013

Tipsy, Dipso and Dead

I'm planning a series if children's books around 3 alcoholics called Tipsy, Dipso and Dead. I'm hoping they'll be picked up by CBeebies.

Tipsy, Dipso & Dead

Off his rocker, out of his head, Said Tipsy to Dipso, ignoring Dead, "I have 2 cans of Special Brew... There's one for me and one for you"

Tipsy's chosen drink is sherry. Dipso sups his cider merry. But Dead won't tell us what his is, He's on the floor and soaks up piss.

Tipsy carries a razor blade. Dipso has a nail in a stick. Nobody will dare try mug Dead, He smells so bad covered in sick.

Tipsy bothers folk for money.
Dipso finds the traffic funny. Dead lies against the Tesco's door, To decompose a little more.

Frank P. Rooney